
For many homeowners, a septic system is used to hold, treat, and dispose of their household wastewater. While these setups are often more economical and environmentally friendly than miles of sewer lines, they can experience failure if not properly maintained. To avoid any mishaps at your home, follow the septic tank maintenance tips listed below.

3 Septic Tank Maintenance Tips

1. Have It Cleaned Regularly

While there is no set deadline for septic pumping, it should typically be done every one to three years to ensure it continues to operate correctly. However, the time frame can vary depending on the size of your tank, how many people live in your home, and the total volume of wastewater generated. For example, a 1,000-gallon tank in a household with two adults and two children should be cleaned every two years. If you start having problems with your tank, you may have waited too long to have it pumped and will probably need repairs made as well.

2. Install an Outlet Filter

septic tank maintenanceAlthough some states require outlet filters, it is recommended you install one in your tank if there is not already one. Doing so will prevent any solids from making their way to the drain field portion of your setup. This, along with regular septic tank maintenance, can increase the life span of your septic system.

3. Be Efficient With Water Usage

When running water inside your home, remember that it will all end up in your septic tank. Unfortunately, there is only so much water it can hold and treat at once. Putting too much in it at once can cause the waste to either back up into your home or overload the drain field, which can then surface in your yard or clog your pipes. To prevent this, try not to leave faucets running and avoid doing all of your household laundry in a single day.


Don’t let your septic system become a nuisance. Have regular pumping performed by calling the professionals at Bigfoot Pumping & Thawing. This locally owned, family business provides pipe thawing and other septic tank maintenance services to the North Pole, AK, region. Call them today at (907) 488-9855 to schedule a cleaning, and visit their website for more information about their services.
