
Dental emergencies can range in severity from a chipped tooth to a knocked-out one, and not every situation requires immediate treatment from a dentist. BridgeView Dental Group advises their Kodiak, AK, patients to call them promptly following any incident. This allows them to determine whether you require emergency dentistry services or if they can schedule an appointment for the next day. Below are some of the most common dental emergencies and how to handle them.

3 Times You Need Emergency Dentistry Services

1. Knocked-Out Tooth

If you knocked out a tooth, you’ll require emergency dentistry help. If you’re able, locate the lost tooth and pick it up by the crown, avoiding touching the roots. Use water to gently rinse away any dirt or debris without scrubbing it. You can try to place it back in the socket, but if that’s not possible, hold it between your cheek and gums or put it in a small container and cover it with milk or a saline solution. Doing so increases the chances your dentist will be able to reattach the tooth.

2. Chipped or Cracked Tooth

emergency dentistryAlthough a chipped tooth doesn’t look nice, it usually doesn’t cause any pain, nor is your dental or physical health at risk, so you won’t need emergency dentistry services. Simply call your dentist, and they’ll get you scheduled for the next available appointment. A cracked tooth, however, can cause a great deal of pain and leaves your tooth open to bacteria, which can cause decay or an infection. The dentist may want to see you right away to prevent other complications. A cracked tooth may be repaired with a filling or crown, but additional treatment could be necessary depending on the situation.

3. Lost Filling or Crown

Fillings and crowns are used to repair teeth that have been damaged as a result of oral trauma or decay. Unfortunately, they may come loose and fall out over time. Without these restorations, your tooth is at risk for further decay and damage, so it’s important to act quickly. If you can find the filling or crown, purchase a temporary cement from your local pharmacy to hold it in place. Otherwise, simply spreading the cement over your tooth can protect it from bacteria while you wait to see the dentist. In some cases, they may be able to reattach the restoration, but if the shape of the tooth has changed, they’ll need to fashion a new filling or crown.

Dental emergencies can be scary, but knowing what to do in the moment makes the situation a little less stressful. Always call your dentist after any incident so they can prescribe medication if necessary and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. As part of their emergency dentistry services, BridgeView Dental Group may perform a root canal procedure or tooth extraction. They offer sedation to ensure your comfort throughout the treatment. Visit their website for more information, or call (907) 486-3257 for an appointment.
