
Color-coded work uniforms apply to numerous industries, including modern medicine. Many hospitals around the country use color-coded scrubs to easily differentiate among departments and specialties. If your hospital is considering making the switch, here are a few advantages this increasingly popular trend provides.

4 Benefits of Color-Coded Scrubs

1. Promotes Teamwork

work uniformsThe ability to quickly identify members of your team, such as your fellow surgeons, nurses, or doctors, promotes department synergy. This sense of unity frequently results in better patient care because department members are more likely to work together in harmony. 

2. Increases Patient Satisfaction

Hospital patients often prefer color-coded work uniforms because they also have an easier time identifying department members. This means they spend less time talking to the wrong people when they require information. Color coding is also believed to have a positive emotional effect; for example, blue promotes soothing, calming feelings, helpful for patients undergoing surgery or waiting for test results.

3. Decreases Work Uniform-Related Stress

Color-coded work uniforms eliminate the stress of choosing what to wear. While some in the medical profession like to wear a variety of scrubs to show off their style and personalities, others prefer knowing what they are wearing for each shift.

4. Lowers Uniform Costs

Scrubs with special designs are often more expensive than their solid counterparts and might require special laundry care to avoid bleeding and fading problems. Being able to purchase several scrub pairs in one color is more cost-effective, especially if your hospital provides laundry services. You won’t need to keep track of your uniforms, increase your household energy bills, or use coin-operated laundry machines.


Whether your hospital uses color-coded scrubs or not, you need a reliable corporate apparel resource to rely on. Stellar Designs in Anchorage, AK, has remained the state’s leading custom merchandise supplier for 35 years and specializes in work uniforms and promotional products. Call (907) 562-4248 with any questions, or browse their inventory online
