
While boilers are essential in most households, few homeowners pay much attention to them until they break down. If it happens during a particularly cold day, however, you and your family are bound to suffer. To avoid this scenario, familiarize yourself with some common problems that might require boiler repairs and take the appropriate preventive measures.

5 Common Issues That Require Boiler Repairs

1. No Hot Water

This is understandably the most critical, as your boiler is useless if it doesn’t produce hot water. This problem may be caused by a number of issues, including valve failure, broken airlocks, low water levels, or a faulty thermostat. A technician will check each part thoroughly to find the one that’s causing the issue.  

2. Pilot Light Keeps Going Out

The pilot light is the blue flame under your boiler. If it’s out, the appliance is not heating water. The most common culprit is a broken thermocouple, which inhibits the gas supply, but it can also be caused by an air draught blowing it out. Before replacing the thermocouple, try to clean it first, as too much soot can also affect its performance. 

3. Thermostat Issues

boiler repairIf the water is not heating up to the temperature you set or the boiler turns on and off repeatedly, there might be something wrong with the thermostat. Newer models, especially programmable ones, can be reset easily. But if it still malfunctions, you need to have it replaced.

4. Leaking or Dripping

A leaking boiler is dangerous, so you need to call a professional immediately. The source of the leak will have to be determined to identify what is causing it, but common culprits include corrosion and poor-quality installation work. To prevent this issue, make sure you keep the tank and pipes sealed and dry. This will also help you notice leaks immediately.

5. Strange Noises

Limescale buildup is common with anything that holds water for extended periods. When these deposits block the flow of water, the heat exchanger will eventually overheat. This causes unusual gurgling or banging noises, which are often referred to as “kettling.” Using a water softener and flushing the tank at least twice a year can help get rid of buildups.


If you encounter any of these issues, get in touch with Brian's Heating & Electrical in Mifflinburg, PA, for immediate boiler repairs. This HVAC, plumbing, and electrical services provider has been serving residential and commercial clients in Union, Northumberland, and Snyder counties for almost 30 years. They specialize in electrical wiring and repairs, air conditioner and furnace installations, and more. Call them at (570) 966-7295 today.
