
According to the National Fire Protection Association®, fires cost restaurants approximately $165 million in property damage between 2010 and 2014. Various factors can cause a restaurant fire, such as unattended equipment or electrical failure; therefore, it's vital to have a system in place to extinguish flames efficiently. Fire suppression systems are an innovative technological advancement in fire safety and theses effective mechanisms help secure your financial investment.

Quick & Easy Guide to Fire Suppression Systems

How They Work

All fire suppression systems have similar features and a basic operating system. It’s connected to the gas lines and hood over your cooking area. If the system detects a fire, the gas lines shut off automatically. The nozzles installed in the ventilation system will then discharge a special chemical designed to quickly extinguish remaining flames. Once the room begins to smoke, the system will trigger the hood fan to start air ventilation.

How They’re Used 

fire suppression systemFire suppression systems are easy and convenient to operate. Once installed by a professional, the system should work automatically. However, restaurant staff can manually extinguish the fire if there are any malfunctions.

How They’re Different

Even though different brands have the same operation, there are features that may be better for one restaurant over another. For example, each fire suppression system has a different detection method, installation requirements and sizing options. Speak with a fire safety maintenance expert to determine which one will be best for your establishment.


It’s important to ensure asset protection and employee safety in any business. That’s why restaurant owners should trust the professionals at Fire Protection Specialists in Bangor, WI. Their certified fire safety technicians ensure that your equipment can be used on any fire. For more information on their fire protection services, visit them online or call (800) 658-9463.
