
Kids tend to get nervous about new places and people, which is why the thought of going to the dentist can seem incredibly intimidating. However, taking your little one in for routine dentistry visits doesn’t have to be nerve-wracking for anyone if you prepare properly. Here are a few ways to help your child get ready for their first visit, and why you shouldn’t worry. 

Preparing Kids for Dental Visits

How Can You Prepare Your Kids for the Dentist?

One of the best ways to help your child to get ready for their first dental appointment is to talk with them about dentistry in general. Talk about your teeth, gums, and tongue, and show them simple pictures of teeth structure. Explain what germs are and how dentists help to remove them, and talk about the neat parts of visiting the dentist, such as sitting in a motorized chair or getting a new toothbrush at the end of the appointment.

dentistryYou could also consider downloading an app that discusses dental care, or visiting the library with your little one to find books about going to the dentist. By reading to your child and taking the time to address their concerns, you can alleviate anxiety before it becomes a problem. 

Why Is Preparation Important?

In addition to showing kids that you care about their feelings, preparing little ones for their first visit to the dentist paves the way for a more successful appointment. When kids are happy and relaxed, things like routine dental exams and teeth cleanings become much easier for professionals, thus helping to improve your child’s overall oral health. 


If you have done everything you can to prepare your child for the dentist and they are still having a hard time, consider bringing them in to visit with Brian W. Charles, DMD. With more than 30 years’ worth of experience and a commitment to making dentistry stress-free, Dr. Charles can make your little one’s routine dental checkups a breeze. For more information about dental care for your family, visit their website or call (208) 634-7653.
