
Spring is just around the corner, and the warmer weather often leads to increased insect activity both inside and outside your home. While some insects may have died off in the winter, others will be looking for a way to get inside your home. Luckily, you can keep pests at bay and reduce the need to call an exterminator multiple times throughout the season with the right preventative measures. Here are a few simple spring cleaning tips to keep your home free of pests.

5 Spring Cleaning Tips to Discourage Pests

1. Get Rid of Unneeded Boxes

Old boxes and newspapers are a haven for spiders, roaches, ants, and other insects. Before the weather warms up, get rid of any unneeded boxes and old newspapers at your local recycling center. This will help reduce potential habitats for pests while also decluttering your space.

2. Clean Up Spills Quickly

Sugar ants can infest a home very quickly when a single scout identifies a potential food source. Even small spills and crumbs are enough to attract a full colony. Cleaning up food residue as soon as you notice it will help reduce the risk of ants and keep your kitchen clear of unwanted pests.

3. Take Care of Leaks

exterminatorInsects love damp and wet areas. Before spring is in full swing, inspect your pipes for signs of leaks and damage. If you notice any, fix them immediately. While an exterminator can get rid of insects in damp areas, it’s best to prevent the infestation in the first place.

4. Clean With Soapy Water

Rather than wiping up a mess with a paper towel, scrub the area with soapy water. The smell of the soap destroys any scent trails the pests may leave when foraging in your home, making it difficult for other insects to follow them inside. Your standard dish detergent should do the trick.

5. Seal the Cracks

Cracks around your windows and doors are the most popular entrances for almost every insect. This spring, seal the cracks with weather stripping and patch holes in your window screens to keep pests outside where they belong. As an added precaution, you can schedule a preventative treatment with your local exterminator to further secure the space.


Let the team at Midstate Termite & Pest Control in Cookeville, TN, help you get your home ready for the warmer weather. Their experienced team of exterminators will assess and treat your home thoroughly, leaving your house safe and pest-free for the season. Learn more about their pest removal services online, and call (877) 526-4222 to schedule a free pest audit.  
