
Injuries to the jaw can often be serious, and in some cases, a patient might even require jaw surgery as a result of physical trauma. The staff at Oral Surgery Associates of Central Georgia believes optimum care is crucial when it comes to issues affecting your jaw, which can impact basic functions like eating and speaking. That’s why these oral surgeons provide guidance to their patients in Warner Robins on different types of injuries as well as associated jaw surgery.

Jaw Fractures

A broken or fractured jaw can occur for many different reasons, from sports injuries to auto accidents. These injuries are exceedingly common, and depending on how severe damage is, they might require surgical intervention to remedy. When a fracture is considered stable, a doctor may recommend that the jaw is wired shut, which will keep the bones in place during healing. With unstable fractures, plates and screws are often attached to the jaw to make sure the bones set correctly.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

jaw surgeryTemporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can occur as a result of a blow to the face or from damage caused by arthritis or disk erosion.  For most people afflicted with this disorder, conservative treatment, which can include anti-inflammatory medications and counseling to address nighttime teeth grinding, is recommended. When these treatments are unsuccessful, surgery is often the next step. Arthroscopic surgery is used to remove any scar tissue or cartilage that is inhibiting motion, or it can reshape the TMJ to facilitate smoother movement between the jaw bones.

Jaw Dislocations

If the TMJ of the jaw becomes unhinged, a jaw dislocation will occur. These joints, present on the upper and lower portion of the jaw, must remain intact for the jaw to function normally. Dislocation can cause significant pain, and it may even result in your jaw’s positioning becoming incorrect. While in some cases a dislocated jaw can be manually reset, jaw surgery might be required for severe dislocations.

The staff at Oral Surgery Associates of Central Georgia offers the benefit of more than two decades of experience when treating patients in Warner Robins. Find answers to your frequently asked questions related to oral health and jaw surgery by visiting the website. You can also schedule an appointment with Dr. Tom K. Szakal or one of his team by calling (478) 971-8811 today.
