
Enrolling your child in preschool is a significant step in their Christian child care journey. However, before preschool begins, it’s important for parents and guardians to make certain changes and preparations to ensure their little one’s success in the new environment. Here are a few helpful ways to prepare your child for preschool.

4 Tips to Get Your Child Ready for Preschool

1. Schedule a Visit

Before your little one’s first day, schedule a visit so you can both see the facility and meet their new teacher. This is an excellent opportunity to familiarize them with where the bathrooms are, where they’ll put their belongings during the day, and other locational details. This step will reduce the anxiety your child will feel on their first day, as they’ll already be familiar with the day-to-day routine.

2. Read Books Together

christian childcareReading is a fantastic way to bond with your child before they head off to school for the first time. It’s also a large part of the preschool curriculum, so reading books to your child will put them ahead of the curve.

3. Make a Scene

Your little one will likely be nervous and maybe even scared about their first day at preschool. As a parent, you can put their mind at ease by turning the situation into a game of pretend. Invite them to join you in acting out being at school, playing with other kids, and eating lunch together. This is also an excellent opportunity to highlight basic social skills that will aid in their success, such as sharing, taking turns, and politely getting someone’s attention.

4. Encourage New Independence

Once a child enters preschool, they make a developmental leap in terms of self-sufficiency. Consider taking a step back before you jump in to help them accomplish tasks like using the toilet, putting on their shoes and socks, or eating with a fork at the table. Encouraging self-help and independence at home goes a long way in ensuring your child’s success and development in the classroom.


Looking for the very best Christian child care learning center for your preschool-age child? Parents in Onalaska, WI, turn to Christian Chapel Day Care to provide their children with encouragement and self-confidence. Their compassionate teachers are either certified by the state of Wisconsin as pre-kindergarten teachers or have a degree in early childhood education, so they have the skills to cater to the individual needs of every student. Give this trusted Christian child care center a call today at (608) 783-5722, or visit their website anytime for more information.
