
With spring right around the corner, you might be expecting to turn on your air conditioner in a few short weeks. Because you’ll soon be relying on this appliance, the experts at Wilson Heating & Cooling, the premier HVAC maintenance service in Lexington, SC, recommends getting a spring checkup for your air conditioner. After all, these experts understand the importance of regular maintenance and want to help keep your system running at an optimal level.

What Happens During a Spring Checkup?

HVAC maintenanceDuring an HVAC maintenance appointment, a contractor will likely start out by inspecting your system. They’ll look for any potential problems or areas of concern that might need immediate attention. They should also clean the coils, drain the condensate line, lubricate moving parts, and replace the air filter. Before the work is complete, they’ll even check fluid levels and inspect your ductwork.

Why Is It Important?

A spring checkup can prevent small problems from becoming major concerns. This can help you save money, as it means you won’t need to worry about costly repairs. Plus, regular maintenance can keep you from needing to prematurely replace your air conditioner. In fact, a well-maintained unit can typically last up to 20 years, while one that’s constantly ignored will need to be replaced much sooner than that.

In addition, this type of maintenance will keep your unit running as efficiently as possible. Some of the services, such as part lubrication and air filter replacement, can have a significant impact on the efficiency. This means you can save on your monthly bills since your system won’t require as much energy to keep your home comfortable.

Prevent costly repairs and keep your system running at maximum efficiency by turning to the HVAC maintenance experts at Wilson Heating & Cooling. With more than 40 years of experience, these professionals are committed to providing unparalleled services seven days a week. To learn more about how they can help you, give them a call today at (803) 996-3322, or visit them online to schedule an appointment.
