
From high blood pressure to increased risk of lung cancer, smoking cigarettes is associated with a wide range of internal health problems. But in addition to these dangers, the nicotine and chemicals found in cigarettes can also be hazardous to oral health. That’s why the Dental Clinic of Onalaska makes it a priority to urge all patients to quit—or avoid—smoking. To help motivate others to kick the habit, this family dentist of La Crosse County, WI, highlights a few main reasons why cigarettes are nothing to smile about.

What Oral Health Risks Are Associated With Tobacco Use?

1. Tooth Discoloration

The nicotine and tar found in cigarettes can quickly cause teeth to become yellow. Over time, chronic smoking can lead to darker, brown stains that can noticeably detract from the quality of one’s smile. The deeper the stains, the harder it is for dentists to restore one’s smile with professional teeth whitening.

2. Cavity Risk

Smoking can decrease the amount of saliva your body produces, resulting in frequent dry mouth. Without saliva, your mouth will have trouble rinsing away bacteria that are responsible for cavities.

3. Gum Disease & Tooth Loss

dentistCavity-causing oral bacteria can also be responsible for infections in gum tissues. When these infections occur, a healthy immune system can react to protect the gums. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that smoking can suppress the immune system, and in turn, allow infections to progress into gum disease. While gum disease can be treated early on by a dentist, continued smoking may only make the problem worse. The more advanced the problem is, the more likely it is to experience swollen, bleeding, and receding gums, as well as tooth loss.

4. Oral Cancer

Although any person can develop oral cancer, the National Institutes of Health recognize that the smoking can greatly increase one’s risk of this potentially fatal disease. This connection is due to the many carcinogens found in cigarettes that are also linked to other types of cancer, including that of the lung, throat, and esophagus.

If you’re concerned about the impact smoking has made on your teeth, the Dental Clinic of Onalaska can provide you with the comprehensive care you need to keep your smile in shape. Offering general dentistry services, this team of specialists can provide cavity and gum disease treatment within a comfortable setting. They also offer teeth staining and dental implants to address the cosmetic issues associated with tobacco use. Visit this clinic online to learn more about their approach to dental care. For appointments, call (608) 783-3341 to reach the Onalaska office or (608) 534-6195 to speak with a friendly team member at the Trempealeau location.  
