
Whether you work in an office or factory, the job site can pose several threats if you’re not careful. Not paying attention to your surroundings or failing to take the proper safety precautions can increase your risk of getting hurt. The legal professionals at Brandau & Waltz Law Offices LLP, a firm handling workers' compensation claims in La Crosse, WI, share some common types of workplace accidents.

A Guide to Common Workplace Accidents

1. Repetitive Motion 

Just as the name suggests, repetitive motion injuries can occur if you do the same movement over and over at work. Common work-related activities that lead to these injuries include typing, factory line work, sawing, meat packing, and pipe setting. Repeating the same motions countless times every day can result in back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and vision problems, for example. 

2. Slip & Fall 

Slip and falls account for a large number of workplace accidents and can lead to serious damages, like broken bones and head and neck injuries. Several conditions can cause these types of incidents: wet floors, poor lighting, damaged stairs, and loose carpeting. Construction workers, restaurant workers, housekeepers, and manual laborers are especially prone to these mishaps. However, if they were caused as a result of an employer’s negligence, the hurt party can pursue compensation with the help of a workers’ compensation attorney.

3. Defective Equipment

Employers are responsible for ensuring equipment in the workplace is always functioning properly and safely. Otherwise, workers can get seriously injured and have a viable workers’ compensation claim. For example, a defective forklift can lead to electrocution hazards, sudden drops from great heights, and other, similar dangers. If you think a piece of equipment at your job isn’t working properly, you should inform your boss immediately.

If you were hurt at your job and need a workers’ compensation lawyer, put your trust in Brandau & Waltz Law Offices LLP. The attorneys at this law firm have handled workers' compensation claims  and have over 50 years of combined experience providing their clients with sound legal advice. They offer quality representation to secure the best possible solutions and outcomes. Set up a consultation by calling (608) 784-2050 today. To learn more about their background in personal injury law, visit their website.
