
Cupping therapy is a traditional form of Chinese medicine now being practiced across the globe. It involves placing cups on the body to create suction and facilitate recovery through blood flow. Though it is probably best known for relieving muscle tension among athletes, it is effective in treating a host of ailments that people from all backgrounds experience. As alternative forms of medicine are becoming increasingly popular, Marie A. Gonzales, L.Ac. continues to build a solid reputation for offering residents of Nyack, NY, high-quality natural health and wellness remedies. Below, she provides an overview of cupping therapy. 

Types of Cupping

cupping therapyThere are three main types of cupping therapy, but dry cupping is the most common. It is a suction-only method that produces a low amount of pressure. Wet cupping typically combines mild suction with controlled bleeding, which is believed to eliminate internal toxins. Massage cupping is recognized as a form of massage therapy and involves the practitioner applying pressure as they move the cups around the skin. 

Benefits of Cupping

Cupping therapy offers a number of benefits that could improve a person’s overall health. It increases blood circulation to the muscles and tissues, supplies oxygen to cells, and can help release and drain excess fluids while removing toxins. In addition to providing local pain relief and muscle relaxation, cupping is often used to treat coughs, facial paralysis, acne, lumbar disc herniation, herpes zoster, and cervical spondylosis.   

Cupping therapy is an age-old treatment that has helped numerous people alleviate symptoms associated with temporary and chronic health conditions. If you are interested in trying this alternative form of medicine,  turn to a trained professional such as Marie A. Gonzales, L.Ac. She has years of experience providing clients with a variety of natural health solutions. Contact her at (845) 398-1312 to make an appointment, or visit her online to learn more. 
