
Having your heating system fail in the height of winter can be frustrating, which is why it’s helpful to catch major heating issues in advance. Without the trained eye of an HVAC contractor, it can be difficult to tell when your heater needs to be repaired or replaced. Below are a few of the most common warning signs your heating system is on its last legs. 

3 Indications Your Heating System Is Faltering

1. Extensive Dust Buildup 

Your heating system isn’t only designed to heat your home: it’s also supposed to clean and filter the air indoors, removing harmful dust and other airborne debris. When your heater begins to fail, it will often be unable to filter out this debris, so pay attention to signs of dust coming from your heating vents. Change your system’s air filters, and if that doesn’t solve the problem, contact a reliable heating technician. 

2. Old Age 

heating-systemAge can do a number on even the most durable heating systems. If you can’t remember the last time you had your heating components serviced or it’s been decades since you updated your system, it may be time to do so. Check the life span of your unit by researching it online using the serial number on the side of your furnace. Typically, a well-maintained heating unit will last anywhere from 15 to 20 years.

3. Blowing Cold Air

Is your heater blowing cold air? Such an issue can be caused by a faulty blower fan or pilot light. It can also signify an issue with your thermostat. In such cases, it’s prudent to have a heating technician perform an inspection, as problems with major components can lead to costly repairs. 


If you have an issue with your current heating system, hire Blue Ox Heating & Air in Minneapolis, MN, to replace it with a new furnace. Whether you need furnace repairs or have an HVAC unit on the fritz, their technicians are equipped to help you find an affordable solution to all your heating and cooling problems. They also service home humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and air purifiers. Call (952) 931-9676 to schedule an appointment, and visit them online for more on their services. 
