
Your car’s performance depends on how efficient its engine is. However, the pivotal position also means in the event of its failure, the vehicle will be unusable. With this in mind, it’s important to learn about early signs of engine trouble so you can address them in time.

4 Clear Signs of Engine Failure

1. Oil Leaks

Have you noticed your car leaking fluid when you leave it parked for an extended time? If so, have the engine checked for oil chamber leakage issues. Without the proper fluids, your vehicle’s inner parts won’t be lubricated properly, resulting in damaging friction as they come into contact with each other. Repairing the leak is the first step toward preventing further damage.

2. Overheating

EngineSteam coming from under the hood is never a good sign and almost always means there’s an overheating issue. Cracks or leaks in the radiator or gasket are common culprits that can cause your vehicle to overheat to the extent of making steam come out. This also happens when air enters the petrol tank and reacts with gasoline to produce harmful smog. Both these situations are indicative of a damaged and potentially failing engine.

3. Strange Noises

The sound of metallic parts clinking or ticking is something no driver wants to hear on the road. But if your set of wheels is producing this unpleasant noise regularly, it’s time to schedule an auto-check to rule out engine and transmission problems. Typically, ticking means there's lifter, valve, or rocker issues on the upper end of the motor.

4. Trouble Starting

Few things are more annoying than dealing with a car that refuses to start on a cold winter morning. If this is becoming a common scenario, a faulty auto part may be to blame. Cold temperatures can cause the cylinder casing to crack, rendering your engine lifeless. Replacing the entire system is often the only solution to this problem.


A fast and proactive response to engine troubles will spare your car from catastrophic damage. In the event, a problem does occur, simply turn to Northwest Auto Parts to find replacement components. This auto parts company has served Anchorage, AK, and the surrounding areas for nearly 40 years. For further information about their inventory, call (800) 770-6531 or visit their website.
