
Running is great for your health, but, if you aren’t careful, it’s easy to get injured. In addition to purchasing the right footwear and stretching before you go, athletes and enthusiasts both benefit from seeing a sports chiropractor on a regular basis. Below is a quick guide to the various risks runners face and how specialists help restore their health and mobility.

Spinal Misalignment & Other Running Injuries

If your spine is misaligned, other parts of your body can be impacted. Many runners don’t realize that many of their issues are owed to this problem. For instance, knee injuries are quite common and sometimes linked to poor form caused by spinal misalignment.

sports chiropractorIf the spine is not in the proper position, stress and tension can build on one area of the body, and, over time, this stress can cause that part to wear down. If this happens, runners would benefit from undergoing a spinal decompression to restore their health, improve their form, and prevent injuries from occurring.

How Misalignment Occurs

Spinal misalignment can happen for quite a few reasons. For runners, everything from the surface they run on to the condition of their shoes can result in the issue. Further, people who work at a desk for most of the day can experience stiffness in the joints and muscles, making them more prone to injury when they partake in the physical activity. In addition to getting adjustments, sports chiropractors recommend stretching before taking a run.


Whether you’re an avid runner or are suffering from the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, The Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center of Cincinnati in Ohio will help restore your health and wellness. The team offers chiropractic care for a wide range of issues, but also encourage runners to undergo treatment to help reduce their possibility of injury. Schedule an appointment today by calling (513) 677-2200. You can also learn more about the complete range of services offered by the sports chiropractors by visiting the website.
