
In the wake of an injury, you may feel tired or even be temporarily incapacitated. Luckily, you can speed up the healing process by making positive changes in your diet and nutrition. There are a variety of nutrients that boost your body’s strength and ability to recover, regardless of whether you underwent surgery or broke a bone. Integrate the following three into your daily meals to mend faster.

Nutrition 101: What to Eat When You’re Healing

1. Protein

Protein has amino acids that build up your immune system, leading to a faster recovery. If you don’t have any dietary restrictions, eggs, yogurt, and plain chicken are good options. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, consume lentils and chickpeas as well as items that have soy, such as tofu or tempeh. 

2. Vitamin C & Zinc

nutritionBoth vitamin C and zinc have healing properties. The former, in particular, produces collagen, which heals damaged tendons. Oranges and other fruits, such as strawberries and kiwis, are simple and delicious foods that provide healthy amounts of this vitamin. You can also get it from vegetables, such as broccoli, bell peppers, and baked potatoes. To increase your zinc levels, add more meat, dairy, whole-grain bread, peas, and nuts to your diet.

3. Vitamin D & Calcium

Increasing vitamin D and calcium levels should be a priority for anyone with a bone injury. Any low-fat dairy items, such as milk and yogurt, can help with your intake. You can also consult your doctor to determine if supplements would be an effective option.


If you’re dealing with a frustrating injury or are having trouble recovering from one, the team at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health in Honolulu, HI, provides the high-quality care you need to heal properly. They’re dedicated to offering exceptional medical and surgical care, particularly for those with musculoskeletal conditions. In addition to orthopedic surgery and sports medicine, they also offer wellness coaching to educate patients on how nutrition will significantly improve their recovery. Give them a call at (808) 521-8170 or visit their website to learn more.
