
Even if you brush and floss your teeth as directed, you could still end up with cavities or gum disease if your diet doesn’t include foods that promote good oral health. A well-balanced diet is key for both your oral and overall health. Dentists recommend including the foods below, in particular, as they contain vitamins and minerals that are vital for strong teeth and healthy gums.

Which Foods Do Dentists Recommend?

1. Apples

A diet high in sugar is less than ideal if you want to avoid cavities and gum disease. Sweet fruits like apples, however, are an exception, as they offer numerous benefits for your oral health. They promote saliva production as you chew, which aids in washing away food particles and bacteria. The texture of the fruit also provides stimulation for the gums, which keeps them healthy as well.

2. Carrots

Raw carrots also promote saliva production, reducing your risk of cavities. Additionally, they’re high in vitamin A, which aids in the formation and maintenance of soft tissues, like the gums. This helps your gums fight off disease-causing bacteria. Enjoy a handful of baby carrots on their own or add them to a salad to reap the benefits.

3. Leafy Greens

dentistBy now you probably know you need to add leafy greens like spinach and kale to your diet. They’re so rich in vitamins and minerals that are necessary for your overall health that many people refer to these greens as superfoods. They also have essential nutrients for healthy teeth and gums, like vitamins A and C and calcium. Plus, they’re high in folic acid, which can help ward off gum disease in pregnant women. Add some kale to your morning smoothie or use spinach for your next salad for better oral health.

4. Nuts

Nuts, like almonds, are another great source of nutrients for your teeth and gums. Dentists recommend almonds because they’re a low-sugar snack and also a good source of calcium and protein. Enjoy a handful as a mid-afternoon snack, add them to a smoothie, or top your salads with them for an added crunch.

5. Celery

Celery isn’t a favorite vegetable because it’s bland and stringy, but it offers numerous benefits for your oral health. The crunchy, stringy texture helps clean your teeth after eating, and it also contains vitamins A and C, which promote good gum health. If you don’t like plain celery, try dipping it in some almond butter for a vitamin- and protein-rich snack.


In addition to brushing, flossing, and incorporating the above foods in your diet, it’s essential to see your dentist every 6 months for a teeth cleaning and exam. This will protect your teeth from tooth decay and your gums from disease, so you can avoid costly tooth restorations, like crowns and bridges. The dentists at Cherry Hill Dentistry in Lincoln, NE, offer a range of general dentistry services to assist you in your goal of achieving optimal oral health. Visit their website to learn more, or call (402) 488-2383 to schedule an appointment.
