
Comcast® is making its move into the SD-WAN arena that positions it as the first major cable company to pioneer a carrier-grade SD-WAN. With this new development, Comcast is on pace to capture both mid-market and enterprise level customers. Telecom Consulting Group in Pompano Beach, FL, is the area’s leading telecom and internet services provider. Their team of experts is here to share more information with you on the significance this major move by the cable giant.

Comcast SD-WAN Beta Moving Into Market

What Is SD-WAN

SD-WANA software-defined wide-area network (SD-WAN) is a cloud-based version of a wide-area network. This latest development in networking technology removes the independence of hardware devices to connect geographically separated businesses. Instead, it relies on virtualization of routers and servers to create a wide-area network. This new approach saves companies money in the long run by eliminating the cost to operate physical equipment.

How the Comcast Solution Stacks Up & Why It Matters

With Comcast in the SD-WAN market, businesses gain a hosted environment over a gigabit service, provided by a major cable carrier. What this means is greater bandwidth, scalability, and reliability companies count on to host massive data centers and resource intensive cloud applications. What it also means is that companies now have the bandwidth to quickly deploy new software solutions and make changes rapidly without reliance on any hardware.

As Comcast further develops its foothold in the SD-WAN market, companies seeking a more robust enterprise-level networking solution will have access to one of the fastest and most robust SD-WAN services available. If you would like more information about how to incorporate SD-WAN services for your business, turn to TCG. This consulting company can help you navigate telecom, cloud storage, disaster recovery, MPLS, and SD-WAN projects. Give them a call at (954) 776-5000. You can also visit them online or like them on Facebook for more information.
