
Many residents of Cincinnati, OH, receive tap water from municipal or rural sources that is may contain harmful chemicals and minerals. In high quantities, these additives can sacrifice water taste and overall quality. Those who want to improve the health and clarity of their tap water should consider investing in quality water treatment services. The installation of advanced filters can remove harmful minerals and chemicals and aid in a number of benefits.  

Why Invest in Water Treatment Services?


The installation of a water purifier will improve the taste, health, and smell of your water. Purifiers remove some amount of elements like rust, sediment, copper, lead, nitrates, arsenic, and chlorine. These agents cause a range of undesirable effects, including inhibiting taste and possibly increasing one’s risk of cancer.

Chlorine, for instance—while beneficial in killing harmful bacteria—is toxic and life-threatening in large dosages. It also tastes undesirable, smells bad, and causes the hair and skin to become dry. Elements like radium, lead, and arsenic are known carcinogens that should be avoided.


water-treatmentWhile water purifiers remove harmful chemicals, water softeners reduce the amount of hard minerals, like calcium and magnesium, which cause water hardness and make everyday tasks like scrubbing the sink or washing your hair more challenging. After installing a softener, residents will immediately notice that soap lathers more easily and scum accumulates more slowly on tubs and sinks. Laundry will come out of the washer looking cleaner and more brilliant. Since these hard minerals cause wear and tear on appliances, water softeners improve the longevity of washing machines, dishwashers, and water boilers.


If you’re interested in purer, healthier water, consult the experts from Tarvin Plumbing. Based in Cincinnati, OH, these premier plumbers offer the water treatment services locals deserve. They have been helping the area with top plumbing and remodeling services for over 110 years. To learn more about improving your water quality, visit the business online or call (513) 321-5726.
