
If your furnace started having issues this winter, you might be wondering if it’s time to start looking for a replacement. To help you with that decision, Living Comfort HVAC has some advice. Located in Liberty Township, OH, these residential HVAC contractors have done work in homes throughout the Greater Cincinnati and Dayton areas, so they know what you should be looking out for.

When to Repair

If you’re staying on top of maintenance work, haven’t had too many issues in the past, and your unit is relatively new, a few furnace repairs shouldn’t be too worrisome. Furnaces are designed to have a lifespan of 15-20 years, so if yours is younger than ten years, don’t start shopping for a new unit just yet. Of course, this all depends on the severity of the problem. Occasionally inaccurate temperatures could reflect a problem with the thermostat, while an intermittent rattling may just be a loose component. Always have a professional HVAC contractor inspect the issue to confirm.

hvac contractorWhen to Replace

Ultimately, two factors affect whether you should invest in a complete replacement: age and cumulative repair costs.

  • Age: As previously mentioned, furnaces aren’t meant to last forever. Older units should be replaced once they reach 15 years. Even if you haven’t had too many problems, you may want to look into a replacement simply due to the increased energy efficiency of a newer unit.

  • Cumulative Repair Costs: If it isn’t too old, but the furnace repairs keep multiplying, you’ll need to start comparing the numbers. If the cost of future fixes will be about half or more than the price of a new unit, it’s usually best to invest in a new one.

If you’re anywhere in the Greater Cincinnati or Dayton areas and need assistance with your furnace, call Living Comfort HVAC today at (513) 833-3876. Not only will these HVAC contractors help you determine whether you need a replacement, they offer 24/7 emergency services in case there’s a major problem. To learn more about what they can do, visit their website.
