
If you’ve ever been to church, you’ve probably heard the term ‘worship.’ This usually refers to a formal service that includes singing, praying, and preaching. But, what does it mean to worship? Below, City of Refuge Christian Church, located in Waipahu, HI, shares where this term came from, what worship looks like, and why it is practiced.

The idea of worship is an ancient one, dating back to the Biblical days when people of every religion would honor their gods. The modern form of this word comes from the Old English word, ‘weorthscipe,’ which meant ‘worthiness,’ referring to the worthiness of God. According to Psalm 145:3 in the Bible, those who follow and honor God know He is of infinite worth, and it is from that understanding that worship flows.

While the object and method of worship vary based on religions, churches, and individuals, most evangelical Christian churches take their cues from the Bible. In Scripture, worship is modeled by the Israelites —  as they sought to glorify God — and the early church in the epistles of the New Testament. Singing, prayer, and teaching — as well as the sacraments of communion and baptism — have all been featured when God’s people gather together as one body.

WorshipAs God works in the hearts of his devoted children to redeem and grow them, they also grow in their gratitude for that work. It is from this gratitude and a growing understanding of who and what God is that Christians are inspired to devote their Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and any other time of the week to focus acknowledgment of His glory. The knowledge of ultimate sacrifice of Christ at Calvary, and God’s continued benefaction to the church and faithful individuals, should naturally turn hearts to him in worship.

Are you pursuing a deeper understanding of who God is? If God has been moving your heart toward worship for him and you’re looking for a church in which to practice that worship, City of Refuge Christian Church can be the home you need. Located in Waipahu, they strive to serve and welcome people of all ages with good teaching, warm fellowship, and worshipful Gospel music. Learn more today by calling them at (808) 677-5677 or by visiting their website.
