
No one expects to bounce back immediately after losing a loved one. It is common to experience anger, depression, and even anxiety following the death of someone close to you. However, since this is normal, even those who are having an especially hard time may not consider seeking help. Overcoming intense sadness requires time, but there are ways to facilitate the emotional healing process. If feelings of grief and loss are overwhelming your life, a counselor may be able to help.

3 Signs You Should See a Grief & Loss Counselor

1. You Are Isolating Yourself

Everyone handles grief differently, and it is not unreasonable to want to spend some time alone so you can work through such feelings without any distractions. If you are actively avoiding seeing loved ones for days or even weeks at a time, though, a counselor can help identify why. Although you may prefer distancing yourself, isolation can contribute to depression. Try to socialize with others on occasion.

2. You Have a Sudden or Dramatic Change in Behavior

grief and lossIf you are suddenly drinking a lot more than usual or sleeping less, a trained counselor can determine what purpose the new behavior serves so you can replace it with something more productive and fulfilling. Grief and loss manifest themselves in different ways, and it is possible to grieve without feeling sad. Sometimes, people’s actions are more indicative of an underlying problem than their emotions are. 

3. You Are Scared to Form New Relationships

The fear of forming new personal relationships is especially common among people who have lost a long-term partner. If a considerable amount of time has passed, but you are unable to open up to others despite wanting to, a counselor may be able to help you overcome this anxiety.


If you want to talk to a compassionate counselor, turn to the Counseling Solutions of Alaska in Anchorage. Their mental health professionals help clients overcome emotional roadblocks and hurdles that result from grief and loss, as well as dysfunctional relationships. Visit their website to learn about the comprehensive care they provide people who are struggling emotionally, or call (907) 644-8044 to make an appointment today. 
