
Gum disease is known to be a harmful oral health condition. It can result in severe inflammation, gum and bone damage, as well as tooth loss. However, according to the staff at Drs Bradford and Catchings Family Dentistry in Fishersville, VA, it can affect more than just your mouth. Because gum disease—also known as periodontal disease—causes such severe infections, it can lead to dangerous and even fatal conditions elsewhere in your body.

How Gum Disease Impacts Your Health

1. Diabetes

Diabetes affects the body in a number of ways. Blood sugar issues make people with the condition more susceptible to gum disease, as well as tooth loss. This can be from blood vessel changes to sugar-born bacteria that harm the gums. Once gum disease has been established, it can then create eating problems. This can lead to further health complications often tied to cardiovascular problems.

2. Heart Disease

gum diseaseHeart disease and other cardiovascular issues are some of the leading causes of death around the world. Many factors impact heart health, with gum disease being one of the more recently discovered. When someone suffers from gum disease, bacteria are able to enter their bloodstream via infected areas. Once inside, they’ll travel to the heart, where the body’s natural response is inflammation. This can lead to plaque in the arteries, as well as fatty deposits that can result in strokes and heart attacks when untreated.

3. Neurodegenerative Diseases

A connection between gum disease and neurodegenerative conditions—specifically Alzheimer’s—continues to grow. As with cardiovascular issues, once the bacteria that cause gum disease enter the bloodstream, they can travel to the brain. Once there, they may spur the immune system to kill brain cells. This correlates with the destructive properties seen in Alzheimer’s and similar conditions.

It’s imperative to take care of your teeth, so turn to the staff at Drs Bradford and Catchings Family Dentistry. They ensure patients practice proper dental care and offer a variety of preventative services and treatments. Call (540) 213-1966 today to schedule an appointment and visit their website and Facebook to learn about their cosmetic dentistry services.
