
As a general rule, water heaters are dependable and long-lasting components of your plumbing system, with most providing a steady supply of hot water for eight years or more. Partly because they’re so reliable, it’s easy to forget about your water heater until it develops a problem, which is why regular inspections are so important. Examining your water heater every year allows you to detect issues and have them fixed before the unit goes out.

Inspecting Your Water Heater

1. Checking the Pressure Valve

When the pressure inside the tank is too high, this valve releases air, steam, or excess water until the levels inside return to normal. To inspect this important component, turn off the electricity and water supply to the heater; then, open the valve. A defective valve is actually an explosion risk, so if nothing comes out call a professional to replace it immediately.

2. Draining the Tank

Over time, almost every water heater will accumulate sediment that will lead to further corrosion and could reduce the efficiency of your unit. Completely draining the tank once a year will remove most of it and ensure your tank lasts as long as possible.

3. Looking for Leaks

water heaterWhile examining the heater itself, carefully inspect the ground around the unit, as well as all of the pipes and hoses to ensure everything is completely dry. Any moisture can create a breeding ground for mold and eat away at the floor around the unit, so have any leaks fixed as soon as possible.

4. Calling a Professional

A professional plumber has the expertise to access the interior components of the water heater, providing more information than you might get on your own. They can also detect signs of developing problems and help decide whether you should repair or replace the unit.


Whether you just need a routine inspection or emergency plumbing repairs, call on the trusted professionals at the Osterwisch Company. Their highly trained plumbers have been serving Cincinnati homeowners since 1946, developing a reputation for quality and professionalism that stands above the rest. Visit their website for an overview of their plumbing services now, get more tips on Facebook, or call (513) 791-3282 to schedule your next water heater inspection.
