
When your home is in an area without a municipally operated sewage utility company, your best bet is usually a private septic system. However, that setup requires regular septic service, including a septic tank inspection. To help you get on the right schedule, Wright's Septic Service in Tomah, WI, explains what a septic inspection involves and how often you should schedule one. This will detect any problems and whether the tank is full, and allow the technician to address any issues before they become serious.

What Is a Septic Tank Inspection?

Septic tank inspectionIn a septic inspection, the technician opens the tank and checks the liquid level to see if the tank is full and to detect any leaks. If the level is satisfactory, water is flushed into the tank to make sure there are no problems with the intake. The technician then pumps down the tank to see if there is any backflow from the drain field. If there is not, it means the drain field is absorbing liquids properly. Typically, at this point, if the technician detects no other problems, the tank is emptied and resealed. If other issues are diagnosed, the technician will make repairs or adjustments as necessary.

How Often Should You Schedule Septic Tank Inspection?

A typical household fills their septic tank every three to five years, depending on the size of the tank and the number of household members. Since the tank must be opened anyway, it makes sense to schedule a full inspection when the tank needs to be pumped. You should not delay pumping and the inspection much beyond five years, or you risk an overflow. When this happens, solids can infiltrate the intake to the drain field and clog the pipes. This can lead to a number of septic system problems.

To schedule a septic tank inspection with a trained, state-licensed professional, contact Wright's Septic Service in Tomah, WI. They've offered expert septic service and reliable septic cleaning for more than 50 years, so they have the experience and knowledge necessary to identify any problems and provide an efficient solution. Check out their website to view their services or to submit a contact request. Otherwise, call (608) 372-3615 to make a tank inspection appointment.
