
Pet wellness is a concern for owners at every stage, but arguably more so for those with aging animal companions. As your furry friend gets older, their health needs shift as well, and it’s up to you as their primary caregiver to pay close attention to what they require. While regular visits to your local veterinarian or animal hospital are a good start, owners should make every effort to ensure that their pet is not only comfortable, but also healthy and thriving. 

3 Ways Your Veterinarian Suggests to Take Care of an Aging Pet

1. Introduce More Exercise 

While your pet might be more partial to napping as an older animal, it’s imperative that you get him or her outside to play. Senior pets benefit greatly from running and walking as it helps to nourish their joints and muscles, which may have weakened over time. Outdoor games and stimulation are also great to keep their brains working and to encourage a quick reaction time and attention span.

2. Reconsider Diet

veterinarianThe food that your pet ate as a younger animal may no longer be a viable option in their older age. Many of the ingredients found in younger animals’ foods are no longer nourishing after they grow up and can cause more harm than good. Pets that deal with mobility issues and kidney or heart disease may benefit from introducing certain ingredients slowly into their daily meals. For instance, some fatty acids have been found to reduce arthritis pain and may be advantageous to your pet’s well-being.

3. Make Special Accommodations

As your four-legged friend ages, you may notice them struggle to do things they once did easily, like jump onto the couch or bend over their food and water bowls. If you’ve seen your pet have a hard time with such daily activities, consider making special arrangements to make them easier. Add a step or small stool that your dog can use to walk more easily to a comfortable surface. Or, consider putting the bowls in a small stand that will lift them closer to your pet’s face level for comfort. 


Are you caring for an animal in Daleville, VA? If so, bring them to Pet Health Clinic for their next checkup. Young or old, healthy or sick, these highly educated veterinarians will do a thorough check on your pet and provide a specialized solution for their optimum health. Their community-oriented practice makes every effort to provide compassionate, personalized service as they know your pets are an important part of your family. For more information, visit them online or reach out at (540) 992-4550.
