
Your first ultrasound is a major milestone in pregnancy and one of the most exciting moments. It provides your obstetrician with a first look at the baby, as well as a comprehensive exam of your organs. The staff at Dr. William M. Jamieson in Cincinnati, OH, understand how exciting this can be, but also advise that there are steps you should take to prepare. By keeping your obstetrician informed about your health and preparing your body for the procedure, you can count on the most accurate results and highest degree of success.

3 Tips to Prepare for an Ultrasound

1. Hydrate

Hydrating is not only important for your baby’s well-being, but also for getting the clearest view inside the uterus. They’ll also get a better look at organ function and other aspects of their health, so make sure to consume at least 24 ounces of water or more depending on the instructions your obstetrician provides.

2. Dress Accordingly

obstetricianThe technician will need easy access to your belly, so dress in stretchy clothes that make it easy to conduct the procedure. Try sticking to one layer of clothing and make sure the shirt can be pulled up high enough. It’s also helpful to wear stretchy or yoga pants that can be pulled down slightly. Also, make sure you dress comfortably so you can relax during the procedure.

3. Fast

Ultrasounds function by sending safe soundwaves into the body that bounce an image back. If you have a full stomach, this can obstruct how they travel and distort the image, so fast for eight to 12 hours before the procedure. Your obstetrician may also advise on eating a fat-free meal to get a better view of the organs.

By taking the proper steps, you will be prepared for your ultrasound. If you’re pregnant and have not scheduled an ultrasound yet, contact Dr. William M. Jamieson for assistance. They offer comprehensive women’s health services, and an obstetrician can guide you through the journey to motherhood with health and preparation tips. Call (513) 241-7744 today to schedule a consultation and visit their website to learn more about their practice.
