
Everyone experiences basic symptoms like a headache and fever now and then, but people usually don’t seek treatment from a doctor every time they occur. However, the staff at Palladium Primary Care in High Point, NC, advise that you should never downplay or ignore them. When minor or major symptoms appear, they can be tied to more serious medical issues. Here are some symptoms you should always tell your doctor about.

3 Symptoms to Discuss With Your Doctor

1. Repeated Inflammation

Whether it’s in your sinuses, joints, or throat, any form of inflammation is never good. In most cases, it’s a minor side effect of basic medical issues, but it can be tied to more dangerous problems. Chronic inflammation can mean everything from respiratory issues to gastrointestinal problems like IBD. A doctor needs to make a comprehensive exam to be certain. With a proper diagnosis, you will get the treatment you need and keep any serious issues under control.

2. Headaches

Headaches can manifest from a number of stimdoctor-palladium-primary-careuli, and in most cases, are eliminated with over-the-counter medication. However, when they become chronic or more extreme, they could be signaling a dangerous medical problem. Issues range from vision loss to stroke and brain infections, which is why your doctor should know about repeat headaches, even if they’re minor.

3. Fever

A fever is your body’s way of killing invasive bacteria and viruses. It’s common with minor illnesses and could simply be the common cold, but it is also tied to diseases and infections like meningitis. When fevers reach high temperatures, they can lead to permanent brain damage, so always consult with your doctor when you experience one.

By bringing unexplained symptoms to your doctor’s attention, you’re significantly reducing your chances of irreparable damage. If you need to consult a medical professional, turn to Palladium Primary Care. They offer a variety of services, including urgent care. Their physicians will work closely with you to resolve any health problems you’re facing. Call (336) 841-8500 to schedule an appointment and visit their website to learn more about their practice.
