
Starting from birth, your new young one is going to grow and develop very quickly. Within the first several years, they will accomplish many incredible things. There are generally three big milestones with child development that are considered the most important. Understand what they are and when you can expect them.

Major Milestones in Child Development

1. Six Months

child developmentThe first half-year of your infant's life is huge. By six months, they will be making multiple achievements. This includes being responsive both emotionally, physically, and with their developing voice. In fact, they are even beginning to respond to their name. Six-month-old babies can be very curious and can tell when a person is a stranger or a familiar face. One of the biggest moments in this time is the new ability to sit up without being supported, roll over, and crawl.

2. One Year

That first birthday is huge. Your child is now beginning to communicate verbally. While they do not yet have a full vocabulary, they are pronouncing some words. “Mama,” “Daddy,” “No,” and “Uh-oh” are some of the most common. Within this time frame, babies may also take their very first steps alone. This act is considered one of the biggest accomplishments of infantry.

3. Three Years

By three years old, child development has come a long way. Your toddlers are now showing affection, creating friendships, has their own emotions and opinions, can follow instructions, and can hold simple conversations. They are learning at an incredibly fast pace at this age, so they are naturally curious about everything. They will be climbing, running, and copying everything you do. This is a huge milestone as you begin to see their unique personality develop.


Child development is a life-changing process to witness. It is important to help along your child’s growth with regular visits to a pediatrician. Those in Hastings, NE, trust Children & Adolescent Clinic. This children's hospital strives to create a safe, comfortable, and high-quality place for young ones. They are available 24/7 in the event of an emergency, so help is always available when needed. For more information, visit their website or call (402) 463-6828 today.
