
With March being recognized as National Endometriosis Awareness Month, Thameside ObGyn Centre wants to educate patients about this disorder, and what they can do to treat it. These trusted local gynecologists provide skilled and compassionate care to women in Groton, CT, including providing information on how to best manage symptoms of gynecological disorders.

Endometriosis is a condition that impacts as much as 11% of American women during their reproductive years. It occurs when endometrial tissues normally only found in the uterus are present in other areas of the body, which can result in pain and other complications.

What Causes Endometriosis?

While no definitive cause has been discovered, certain factors seem to increase the risk. Women who’ve never given birth, as well as those with a family history of the condition, seem more likely to develop it. Your medical history can also play a role, especially if you have abnormalities of the uterus or experience frequent pelvic infections. While it can occur anytime during the reproductive years, most women who experience endometriosis are between 30 and 40 years old.

What Are Some Symptoms?

Local GynecologistSymptoms of endometriosis can include particularly heavy periods with severe cramping. Women also experience pain during intercourse, discomfort within both the pelvis and lower back areas, and digestive issues, such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. Because these symptoms are associated with numerous other conditions, seeking out a local gynecologist is important to determine the underlying cause.  

How Can It Be Treated?

Many women can control symptoms of endometriosis on their own until menopause occurs. Anti-inflammatory pain medications can lessen cramping, while hormonal birth control helps regulate menstruation, thereby controlling the symptoms. Many women also achieve relief through exercise, as well as making changes to their diets, such as limiting their intake of caffeine. Surgery is usually reserved for more severe cases when other treatment options have proven ineffective.

Thameside ObGyn Centre helps women in Groton take an active role in their health and wellness. Schedule an exam with a trusted local gynecologist by calling (860) 445-5107 today. You can also visit the website for more information on their available services.
