
As a pet owner, you understand the importance of a healthy diet for your animals. However, with so many opinions, rumors, and myths about feeding your pet, it can be nearly impossible to know what’s right and wrong. To help, the staff at The Pet Hale—the leading pet store in Mililani, HI—want to debunk a few of the top myths. By understanding exactly how foods affect your pet, you can be certain they’re getting a nutritious, healthy diet.

3 Pet Nutrition Myths

1. Homemade Diets Are Better Than Store-Bought Food

There’s a movement toward holistic, organic, and home-prepared meals for animals due to the belief that pet store–bought food isn’t as safe and doesn’t meet all the nutritional requirements. However, unless you’re a pet nutritionist and pet food chef, there’s nothing to back this. Animals like cats and dogs have extremely specific dietary needs, and just because you can cook doesn’t mean you’re making the right food for them. You may even be adding contaminants to the food. Commercial food undergoes strict regulations and inspections, so it’s best to go with what your veterinarian recommends.

2. Carbs Are Bad

pet storeIn the same way that humans believe all carbs are bad, they’ve also applied this to pets. Carbs, in truth, are essential to your body, and when consumed in regulation, cause no problems. They provide the energy your pet needs, as well as valuable fiber for gastrointestinal health. Choose healthy carbs and exercise your pet regularly to help them burn it off.

3. Preservatives Cause Cancer

This myth developed from humans’ fear of preservatives, and, as with all research done on human food, pet food has also shown no connection between preservatives and cancer. Preservatives actually protect foods that sit on pet store shelves from oxidizing, helping maintain fat and vitamins essential to your pet’s health.

If you’re looking for more guidance on pet diet or are ready to purchase an animal, turn to The Pet Hale. They offer a variety of supplies and animals at their pet store. Call (808) 696-1083 today to speak with their staff and visit their website and Facebook to learn more.
