
If you find yourself discouraged by the sight of a mess every time you step into your garage, you might be looking for ways to straighten it up. Investing in a garage organizer is a great way to start, but as you load items into it, there might be a few things you shouldn’t waste your time and space on. Below, Cincinnati Closets®, of Covington, KY, shares some items found in garages that you should discard.

What Should You Get Rid of When You Get a Garage Organizer?

1. Old Paint

Especially when it comes to paint colors found in your home, it’s great to have some spare paint on hand to touch it up when it gets scuffed or damaged. But you may move on or go with a different color, and paint can get old, harden, and become unusable. When this happens, don’t load it into your brand-new garage organizer. Let it totally dry out and then safely toss it with your trash.

2. Outgrown Toys

Those little yard toys that the kids used to play with can spark nostalgia and be hard to part with. But if the kiddos have outgrown them, there’s no reason to hang onto them. If they’re in good shape, you can donate them to a local charity or even sell them and make a little cash.

3. Shipping Boxes

Garage OrganizerIf you do a lot of online shopping, you might end up with used shipping supplies stacked in your garage. You might feel guilty about tossing perfectly good boxes, but if you’ll never use them, what’s the point? Cardboard boxes are recyclable, so break them down and ship them out.

4. Old Unfinished Projects

If you enjoy the odd DIY venture, you might end up with an unfinished project or two in your garage. If they’ve been there for over a year, it’s likely that you won’t get around to finishing them, so you might consider disposing of them safely.

5. Anything You Don’t Use Anymore

No matter how careful you are, over time, you’re likely to accumulate things in your garage. Accessories, from cars you no longer own and broken lawn equipment to dated home décor and any items you’ve hung, can go in the donate or trash piles. Don’t let your stuff own you; you own your stuff. Decluttering is a great start toward a freer lifestyle.

Are you interested in having a perfectly-ordered garage and home? If so, Cincinnati Closets® can help by providing you with garage organizers, custom closets, and general decluttering services. They even offer interior design consulting. Simplify your life with a well-ordered home by calling them today at (513) 631-7939 or by visiting their website.
