
Clutter has a way of creeping into a home. If you have a large family, then your home may feel spacious and clean one day, but by the next, it feels small and messy. Decluttering your home is usually a project that spans several days, weeks, or even months. There are a few tips and tricks you should use to make the process easier.

How to Keep Your Home Organized

1. Consider Using Multifunctional Pieces

Multifunctional pieces are not only good for getting more than one use out of an item, but they help to keep your living room and family room spaces clear and clean. Tables that function as storage bins allow you to put away toys, remotes, and other little items when they aren’t in use.

2. Tackle One Item Category at a Time 

declutteringHave you ever started getting rid of items, and all of a sudden, you feel overwhelmed? If you have a number of items cluttering your space, whether it is clothing or toys, then jumping into this project head first will quickly feel overwhelming. The easiest way to start decluttering is to start with one item category at a time. For example, in your closet start, by assessing your shoes; if you notice a few that are severely damaged or no longer fit, then throw them away.

3. Give Every Item a Permanent Storage Space

The worst part about dealing with a cluttered home is not knowing where certain items belong. If you’ve never taken the time to designate storage spaces for items, then this will only result in more clutter. Start by creating permanent storage spaces for items that you use often, like a remote control and video game systems.


For the past 25 years, Cincinnati Closets® has spent time creating walk-in closets and custom pantry designs and decluttering homes for residents in the Tri-State area. The team remains the go-to contractors in the area because of their ability to provide affordable rates while using high-quality materials. Schedule a consultation today by calling (513) 631-7939 or visiting their website.

