
It doesn’t take much to prevent sports injuries. In fact, Peter A. Matsuura, MD, in Hilo, HI, treats many patients for issues that could be avoided with a little extra attention and precaution. To keep your body in better shape and safeguard against unnecessary and costly harm, follow these five easy tips to stay safe during low- and high-impact activities.

How to Avoid Sports Injuries

1. Wear the Right Gear

Depending on the sport you’re participating in, get the gear that’s specially designed for the stresses of that activity. Whether you require cleats or special footwear, have them sized accordingly to avoid any foot or ankle issues. The same goes for helmets and other protective accessories. If it doesn’t fit properly, you’re putting your safety at risk.

2. Stretch Properly

sports injuriesOne of the easiest ways to prevent sports injuries is by stretching properly before exercising. Do a full-body warmup first, then isolate the parts used most during the activity to avoid pulling or tearing a muscle.

3. Pay Attention to the Environment

Being aware of your surroundings helps prevent unnecessary injuries. For indoor sports, check the area for any spills or wet spots you could slip on. Clear the space of chairs and be mindful of the bleachers and other items that could get in the way. When you’re outdoors, look for holes or uneven spots in the ground that you could trip over and twist an ankle. 

4. Allow for Rest & Recovery

Sports injury prevention extends beyond the game; you must also allow your body time to rest and recover. Doing so is particularly important when you experience aches, pains, or tight muscles.  Stretching after exercise helps in the recovery process, to ease the stress on the affected parts of your body.  Hydrating with plenty of water and a good night’s sleep are basic remedies that are often ignored. 

5. Visit Your Doctor

When starting up any new physical activity, or if it’s been longer than a year since your last wellness exam, schedule an appointment with a doctor to evaluate your overall health. Visiting a primary care physician provides a picture of your well-being and any issues and limitations you need to address before exercising.

Many sports injuries are preventable, but if you are hurt, then visit a professional to have the problem evaluated. Peter A. Matsuura, MD has extensive experience in orthopedic issues and sports medicine. If you’re hurt and need compassionate care and skilled treatment, call (808) 969-3331 today. You can also visit the website to learn more about him and what he offers.
