
When properly maintained and cared for, a septic system will treat your home’s wastewater and solid waste efficiently. However, over time, even the most reliable tanks will break down. For many homeowners, identifying the signs of a failing septic tank is a priority, and the team at A A & A Drain Cleaning in Dalton, GA, wants to help. Here, they explain some of the tell-tale signs of a failing septic system so you’ll know when it’s time to call a professional.

3 Signs Your Septic System Is on the Fritz

1. Smelly Drains

No one likes to deal with foul-smelling plumbing fixtures. However, when your septic system is on the way out, you may notice the smell of raw sewage throughout your property. If you detect an off-putting odor, contact a plumbing professional immediately. It could be as minor as a clogged drain, but if it’s your septic tank, you’ll need repairs immediately.

2. Gurgling Pipes

When working properly, water flows into a septic system without issue. Solids are separated out, and wastewater is siphoned off to the leach field. However, if the tank stops working properly, wastewater can back up in the system, causing air bubbles and gurgling noises throughout your plumbing. If you hear a strange noise when you flush the toilet or run the tap, have it inspected quickly. Leaving this issue unaddressed can lead sewage to backup in your home.

3. Green Grass Over the Leach Field

Septic TankWhen your leach field becomes oversaturated or starts to break down, you’ll likely see a boost in nearby plant life. This is because the excess water cannot drain off properly, granting more nutrients to the soil above. While it may make your yard look nice, it’s a surefire indication your leach field is about to become a wet, muddy mess.

If you’ve noticed any of these signs, contact the experts at A A & A Drain Cleaning today. Their experienced crew will assess the damage and help you get your septic system up and running again. Learn more about their services online and call (706) 226-1267 to schedule an appointment today.
