
For most people, dealing with wisdom teeth is unavoidable. It’s usually a simple issue to fix with extraction, but when they’re impacted, they can cause more serious oral health issues. The staff at Pfeiffer Family Dentistry in Fort Thomas, KY, advises that it’s important to know how to identify impacted wisdom teeth. It can be an extremely painful condition and needs to be addressed right away. To help you recognize these signs, read on to learn about common symptoms.

3 Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

1. Pain

Because your wisdom teeth are trying to push into a space that’s too small, it’s common to experience regular pain as they erupt. It can range from minor to severe and may spread to other areas of your mouth. As stress is placed on your other teeth, the impacted tooth may damage them, and damage to your gums or cheek tissue can also be painful. See a dentist as soon as possible if you experience this, as they’ll likely suggest immediate removal.

2. Swelling

wisdom teeth When an impacted wisdom tooth creates complications, it can lead to infection or swelling in the gums, cheek, and jaw. This is often accompanied by pain and may be due to bacteria spreading. The swelling can also make these areas extremely sensitive and interfere with your ability to eat or speak. Ice may help reduce swelling, but you still need to see a dentist so they can assess the issue and determine a course of action.

3. Bleeding

As your wisdom teeth erupt, they can cause your gums to bleed. In the case of impacted wisdom teeth, you may experience heavier or more constant bleeding, especially if they’re affecting other teeth or cutting into your cheek. This means that there is an open wound and that bacteria can easily enter your gum tissue. When untreated, this can lead to tooth decay and gum disease, so schedule an appointment with your dentist for a checkup.

If you’re ready to have your wisdom teeth removed or simply need a dental exam, turn to the staff at Pfeiffer Family Dentistry. They offer comprehensive dentistry services as well as emergency dental services, and will help you properly care for your mouth. Call (859) 441-1900 today to schedule an appointment and visit their website and Facebook to learn more about their practice.
