
Organizations can often have large impacts on the environment. That’s why it’s important for small business owners to carefully consider what they can do to go green. This isn’t always an easy step to take, so the recycling experts from Honolulu Disposal Service in Hawaii share a few important practices you can incorporate into your business.

Recycling Experts on Being More Environmentally Friendly

Learn the Three R’s

Take a look at your business and rethink how you can practice these all-important guidelines: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The three R’s, as they’re commonly known, refer to a few different methods for limiting paper and plastic waste. For example, you can provide reusable mugs and cups to employees to cut down on paper waste. When you do use these materials, place them in an appropriate recycling bin.

Support Other Eco-Friendly Businesses

recyclingLend your support to other businesses that have gone green. Whenever you look for vendors, choose those that have already incorporated environmentally friendly practices and can help you reduce your carbon footprint. Rather than purchasing supplies that need to be flown from an international location, for instance, partner with a local company that can help you cut down air pollution from transportation.

Reward Green Employees

Look for new and exciting ways to recognize your eco-friendly employees’ efforts. For example, cover expenses related to public transportation. You can also provide a safe place to store bikes for those who want to get some additional exercise during their commute. Rewarding employees with small gifts and company lunches can also encourage green habits.

Incorporating environmentally friendly practices into your business can seem like a daunting task. Thankfully, the experts from Honolulu Disposal Service can make the transition a little easier. With more than 47 years of experience, they can analyze your waste and recycling needs to find the ideal solutions for your business. Call these trash services professionals at (808) 845-7581, and visit them online for more information on their services.
