
A new oral health issue is sweeping the nation: vaping. This new means of a battery-powered, electronic cigarette is rumored to be a healthier alternative to smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes, but it can pose equally serious oral health issues. The experienced cosmetic dentists at Waterford Dental Health in New London County, CT, have seen an increase in patients who vape, and the team has collected some valuable information about the new trend. 

The Risks Associated with Vaping 

What Is Vaping?

Vaping is the act of using an electronic cigarette (abbreviated as e-cig or e-cigarette) to inhale and exhale vapor. Unlike traditional cigarettes that produce smoke, vaping uses a metal heating element to vaporize the nicotine and various flavors without producing smoke. This has made it popular since it can be used anywhere.

What Is Nicotine?

Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical containing nitrogen and is often derived from tobacco plants. Technically speaking, it is a vasoconstrictor, a chemical that reduces the amount of blood flow in your body. 

How Does Nicotine & Vaping Impact Your Oral Health?

Dental research is still being conducted about the specific effects of vaping, but there are a few large oral health consequences of using any nicotine product: 

  • cosmetic dentistGum Recession: As a vasoconstrictor, nicotine prevents the soft tissue of your mouth from receiving enough oxygen and nutrients to keep your gums healthy. This causes your gum tissues to recede, which, in turn, exposes the sensitive tooth roots and allows more bacteria to collect for tooth decay. 
  • Bad Breath: Vasoconstrictors also make it difficult for your saliva glands to produce saliva, which leads to bacteria growth, bad breath, dry mouth, and tooth rotting. Another side effect is digestive issues since digestion begins with chewing and proper saliva production.
  • Gum Disease: Gum disease is usually diagnosed by a cosmetic dentist when the gums are swollen, inflamed, or bleeding, but because oxygen is restricted by the nicotine, it prevents these tell-tale signs from being seen as easily.  

What Can You Do?

The most obvious solution is to quit using e-cigarettes, but that is not always a viable or easy solution. If you continue to vape, speak with your local cosmetic dentist about additional oral precautions you can look for, and schedule frequent oral exams and teeth cleanings. 

If you or a loved one are smokers or vapers, the team at Waterford Dental Health can help you take care of your oral health. The cosmetic dentists understand that vaping is becoming more popular and are well-versed in spotting and treating the signs of gum disease and tooth decay. Visit the website to learn more about their teeth cleaning and teeth whitening services, or call (860) 447-2235 to schedule your checkup. 
