
Taking a shower should be one of the most relaxing parts of your day. However, when you’re dealing with low water pressure that’s barely getting the job done, your relaxing experience can quickly turn to one of frustration. Showers may lose pressure for a variety of reasons, but fortunately, this problem can generally be fixed quickly with the help of a professional plumbing service.

This is a common issue that the skilled plumbers at Osterwisch Company have helped many Cincinnati, OH, residents resolve. With more than seven decades in the industry, the company has established themselves as the go-to source for any plumbing-related need. Below, they explain a few methods for improving low water pressure and preventing it from becoming a headache in the future:

  • Replace the Pressure Balancing Valve: Some showerhead models are designed with a pressure balancing valve, which controls both the water flow and its temperature. These often cause fluctuations in pressure when other water fixtures are being used nearby. If this is the type of valve you have, you can ask your plumber to replace it with a thermostatic mixing valve that controls water pressure and temperature separately.
  • plumbingSeek Out Leaking Pipes: Damaged pipes can be another contributing factor to low water pressure. Any leak, regardless of how big or small it is, can affect the amount of water that comes out of your shower. Keep an eye out for water stains around the ceiling, floors, and walls, as this is a telltale sign of a leak. Broken or cracked pipes should always be addressed by a plumbing professional to avoid costly damages.
  • Check for a Faulty Diverter Valve: Most shower and bathtub combinations have a diverter valve that redirects water from the tub faucet to the showerhead. If the valve becomes faulty after so many years, it may no longer open up enough to transfer the full amount of water pressure to the shower. This will simply require a plumber to replace the part with a new one.
  • Determine if Mineral Deposits Are Present: Over time, homes with hard water and those built with galvanized iron pipes will eventually start to accumulate mineral deposits A buildup of deposits in the pipes can create tough clogs, restricting water flow and reducing water pressure. Pipes will generally need to be cleaned out by a plumber, and it can help to install a water softening system.

The key to fixing water pressure loss in the shower is first identifying the source of the problem. This can be difficult to do on your own, but the plumbing experts at Osterwisch Company will know exactly what to look for, so the issue can be taken care of with the most effective solution. Contact them at (513) 791-3282 or visit their website for additional information on the services they offer.
