
Everyone knows that getting regular dental exams is crucial to preventing problems like periodontal disease and cavities. But did you know these exams can also identify other health problems that seem totally unrelated to your teeth and gums? The state of your teeth and mouth can reveal a lot about your overall health. Here are three health problems dental exams can reveal.

3 Health Issues That Can Be Revealed With a Dental Exam

1. Heart Disease

Although doctors can’t be sure whether one problem directly causes the other, it has been found that heart problems and dental issues frequently occur together. Loose teeth and painful, bleeding, or sore gums can be signs of impending heart problems. It’s possible that bacteria that builds up in your mouth and causes these issues can actually travel through your body and contribute to heart disease. So the better you care for your teeth, the healthier your heart tends to stay. 

2. Acid Reflux

Dental ExamsA dental exam can reveal signs of acid reflux in two ways — your breath and your tooth enamel. Bad breath can be caused by what you ate the other day, but it can also be caused by stomach acid traveling up your esophagus, also known as acid reflux disease. That same stomach acid can also wear away the enamel on your teeth, a problem your dentist will identify almost instantly. 

3. Diabetes

Doctors have found that diabetic patients very often suffer from gum disease and other periodontal problems. A big link between the kinds of problems found during dental exams and diabetes is that diabetics tend to heal more slowly than healthy patients. This means that when they have a loose tooth or bleeding gums, these problems persist and can cause significant pain and worsening dental issues. If a dentist notices persistent issues with gum health, diabetes could be the culprit. 


The practice of Rachel E. Gold, DMD – Total Health Dentistry in Cold Spring, KY, specializes in dental health and identifying health problems through full dental exams. The experienced team also provides care for veneers, periodontal disease, root canal therapy, fillings, and dental implants. Visit their website to read more about Dr. Gold, and call (859) 441-1230 for more information.
