
Because it’s reserved for individuals of extraordinary artistic, educational, or scientific ability, the EB-1 visa is one of the most prestigious green cards available to foreign nationals. Due to the stringent requirements and high fees relative to other visa status applications, it’s also one of the most difficult to obtain. If you plan to apply for EB-1 status, your immigration attorney must submit a variety of evidence demonstrating you meet the criteria, along with proper payment.

What Is the EB-1 Visa?

immigration attorneyThe EB-1 visa class allows scientists, mathematicians, educators, and artists at the top of their field to earn permanent residency, giving them the opportunity to live and work in the United States. Unlike other visas, EB-1 applicants must show their achievements are considered outstanding in their fields, either through winning internationally recognized awards, being the subject of considerable press coverage, or earning substantial salaries. Those who already hold a managerial or executive position with a U.S. company may also be eligible for an EB-1C visa.

EB-1 Visa Application Fees

If your visa class requires a job offer from an American company, your prospective employer must file an I-140 and $700 fee. Your own filing fees may vary, depending on your age and immigration status. For those filing as refugees, the fee for processing form I-485 is free, while those under 14 years old will have to pay $750 when filing with a parent or $1,140 if filing alone. Applicants between the ages of 14 and 78 should include $1,225, including the mandatory biometric fee. Filing fees for applicants over 78 are $1,140. Bear in mind your application will likely result in additional costs, such as your immigration attorney’s legal fees.

Premium Processing

For an additional fee of $1,225, premium processing petitioners can have their applications reviewed in 15 days or less. However, this fee only expedites processing for the employer’s I-140 application, not the petitioner’s I-485. Also, it is important to note that premium processing is current unavailable for I-40 EB-1(c) applications for Multinational Executives.


The immigration attorneys at Berd & Klauss, PLLC, provide high-quality representation and guidance to clients in New York City and across the world. Whether you’re applying for an EB-1 visa or coming to the United States for the first time, their team will provide the expertise and legal understanding you need. Visit their website for a closer look at their services, follow their Facebook for more insight into the process, or call (212) 461-7152 to discuss your case with an immigration attorney today.
