
Typically affecting the big toe, ingrown toenails are a common foot condition that occurs when the nail grows into the skin or when the skin grows over the nail. Although it is typically a minor health issue, it still shouldn’t be ignored. As the foot specialist at High Point Foot Center in North Carolina explains, this condition can cause severe discomfort and increase the risk of infection if left untreated. To help patients stay aware, he answers a few common questions, below. 

Ingrown Toenail Basics

How Do You Know You Have One?

Usually, you can tell you have an ingrown toenail just by looking at it. For example, you might notice the nail growing into the skin, redness, or swelling. This condition also makes it fairly uncomfortable to walk and causes considerable pain. If an infection has occurred, you might notice discoloration or pus around the skin.

What Causes the Problem?

foot specialistMost cases are caused by improper nail care or wearing tight shoes—particularly those that place pressure on the big toe. However, some cases are linked to genetics or foot injury, such as a stubbed toe.

How Do You Reduce Your Risk?

One of the best ways to lower your risk is to cut your toenails straight across. If you curve it, they are more likely to grow into the skin. Wearing comfortable socks and properly fitting footwear minimizes stress to the area.

How Is the Condition Treated?

Although salt soaks and over-the-counter pain relievers may reduce discomfort, at-home treatments are generally discouraged by foot specialists. If the problem persists for a few days, visit a podiatrist for care. Prompt care is especially important if you have a condition, such as diabetes, that increases your risk of infection.   

A foot specialist will perform a minor procedure that involves numbing the area and removing the ingrown portion of the nail. When infections are present, your provider may also prescribe oral antibiotics to prevent bacteria from spreading.

If you believe you have an ingrown toenail, Dr. Kevin Henry of High Point Foot Center offers quick, comprehensive care to relieve pain and promote healing. He only uses the most advanced tools and techniques to ensure treatment is as seamless as possible. In the event you need more than nail care, he also assists with other foot conditions, including toe fungus, hammertoes, and calluses. Visit this foot specialist online to learn more or call (336) 882-2070 to schedule an appointment.
