
Children with high levels of anxiety may worry about seemingly trivial matters, throw temper tantrums, and cry frequently. While these habits are common among many young children, when they become consistent behaviors, an anxiety disorder may be the culprit. Fortunately, a social-emotional educational program will help children find peace in the short- and long-term. During these precious years of development, positive habits can pave the way for a better future.

What Is a Social-Emotional Educational Program?

educational programSocial-emotional learning emphasizes emotional management and positive social interactions. By promoting skills like self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making, children of all backgrounds excel.

Rather than emphasizing a disciplinary approach, teachers facilitate problem-solving. For example, if children are having an argument, instructors don’t explicitly intervene, but rather ask guiding questions to help them resolve the issue in a calm manner. As a result, children learn to identify their emotions and reflect on how their actions impact others.

What Are the Benefits?

Social-emotional learning helps children with anxiety feel safe, which can reduce symptoms of stress. In social situations, those with anxiety often feel fearful of judgment, blame, or criticism, which can lead to emotional meltdowns. Rather than reprimanding these children, social-emotional learning rehabilitates them by creating a warm, supportive environment. They learn to acknowledge their emotions and develop strategies to overcome hurdles. For instance, a teacher might ask how a visibly upset child is feeling. Then, the teacher might ask the child how he or she could feel better.

Perhaps the child may benefit from having a quiet, comfortable place in the classroom to cool down for a few minutes when feeling overwhelmed. Over time, these children learn to cope and thrive on their own.


The experienced team at Northwest Children’s Center in Cromwell, CT, utilizes social-emotional learning strategies to help children of all backgrounds develop the skills they need for the future. The learning center offers a range of specially formulated early education programs for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners. To learn more about their educational programs, visit the website or call a helpful representative at (860) 635-3485.
