
For many Americans, driving is the ultimate symbol of independence. But, as you age, getting behind the wheel can become more complicated — and risky. That’s why CareResource Hawaii encourages families to pay attention to certain changes in elderly loved one — such as hearing and vision impairment — that could make operating a vehicle more dangerous. If you’re planning to discuss driving with your family member, this elderly assistance provider of Honolulu, HI, offers a few tips for approaching the subject with sensitivity. 

Ways to Talk About Driving Concerns with Seniors

Explore Improvement Opportunities

It’s important to note that all seniors have varying motorist abilities. If your loved one can still manage life behind the wheel, you might encourage them to enroll in a senior driving course that can refresh their skills and help them adjust to challenges that aging presents.

Ease into It

elderly assistanceSince the effects of aging are often gradual, it’s not always necessary for people to immediately give up their keys. But, if you start to notice a change in your relative’s ability to see, hear, or react to things on the road, it might be wise to gently ease into the idea of “driving retirement.” This means finding ways to encourage a person to drive less, such as by making trips together or hiring an elderly assistance provider to help with errands.

Take a Group Approach

When your loved one resists a new approach to transportation, having other family members voice their concern can help soften the subject and show that you only have their best interest at heart. If your loved one still resists the idea of becoming a non-motorist, having a doctor assess their overall health may be more convincing.

Make Alternatives Accessible

A senior’s fear of losing independence is a valid concern and on that shouldn’t be minimized. Instead, you can help them adjust by making it easy for them to get where they need to go. For example, you can offer to drive them to appointments or take them shopping. If they prefer to do things on their own, you can help them plan out the best ways to use public transportation. There are also various elderly assistance programs that provide car service to those unable to drive.

Hiring an in-home caregiver for your loved one is another great way to help support independence in their golden years. With the help of specialists from CareResource Hawaii, your relative can receive personalized assistance with medical needs, chores, and errands while living at home. You can learn more about elderly assistance by visiting this Honolulu, HI, home care service online. To discuss your concerns with a caring representative, call (808) 691-4663.
