
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition involving a tingling or numb sensation in the hand. It’s caused when nerves in the hand and wrist become pinched due to constant pressure. Although physical therapy can help alleviate the discomfort associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, there are also plenty of steps you can take to prevent it in the first place. Keep these points in mind if you want to limit your chances of developing this condition.

3 Ways to Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

1. Don’t Grip So Tightly

Physical rehabilitation specialists recommend performing certain stretching exercises to keep your hand and wrist strong but loose. Here’s one you can practice almost anywhere: make a fist, then slowly slide your fingers until they are pointing straight out, maintaining tension and control throughout the movement. Repeat this stretching exercise five to 10 times.

2. Give Yourself a Break

physical therapyMost people perform daily tasks that involve using their hands constantly. You don’t need a job that involves manual labor to potentially develop this type of condition. For example, desk jobs often involve a lot of computer use, which also puts you at risk. To avoid strain, take a break every two to three hours, and let your wrist relax for about three minutes. You should also rotate it and stretch it to relieve pressure.

3. Wear a Wrist Splint

Get in touch with a doctor, physical therapy specialist, or pharmacy, and ask them to recommend a wrist splint. Wearing one keeps your wrist in a comfortable position that reduces your odds of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Wear it while you sleep at night, as this will have the least impact on your day-to-day life. Additionally, when you’re sleeping, you have no conscious control over your hand and wrist movements, which could lead to an injury.


If you need physical therapy services for carpal tunnel syndrome, turn to the professionals at Associates In Orthopedics & Sports Medicine PC, with locations in Dalton and Calhoun, GA. They distinguish themselves by combining traditional, exercise-based treatments with state-of-the-art technology, helping to deliver fast, effective results. Visit them online to learn more about what they can do for you, and give them a call at (706) 226-5533 to schedule a physical therapy appointment today.
