
Because maintenance is an important aspect for any property operating with a septic system, scheduling regular pumping services every few years is a routine task for home and business owners alike. The recommended septic pumping timeline is every three to five years because it reduces the risk of sludge buildup in your tank. If left unattended, the backed-up sludge will expel itself from the septic system and into the drain field, which is extremely costly to repair.

To avoid this problem, many property owners undergo septic pumping. Here’s what you can expect from this process:   

  • Locating: The tank will need to be located and the access lids removed, which requires a bit of digging since most lay a few inches below the earth. This is a step that can be completed by the maintenance company you hire. 
  • septic tankPumping: While preparing the pumping equipment, the liquid level of the tank is noted to ensure there are no leaks or problems with the drainage system. A hose is then lowered into your tank and begins sucking out the contents, during which someone will be monitoring for considerable amounts of backflow from the exit pipeline. Large amounts of backflow point to a blockage in the drain field. 
  • Cleaning: After the suction hose clears out the tank, it will be thoroughly cleaned and checked for any sludge stuck on walls or packed in corners. The remaining sludge is then removed, and the walls are sprayed clean. 
  • Inspecting: Once septic pumping is complete and the tank is clean, a team member will inspect the inside of the tank for any abnormalities or structural damage. They’ll advise the property owner if anything unusual is found. 


Regularly scheduling septic pumping is important for the overall health of your system. The fully licensed and insured professionals at Reliable Septic Services provide the residents of Savannah, GA, full-service maintenance solutions for all of their septic tank needs. To schedule a routine pumping for your home or business, call (912) 604-3088 today, or visit them online for more information on their services. 
