
Over time, stains can tarnish your smile. Even with healthy dental care practices, discoloration may become a constant issue, which is why many people have turned to dental veneers. These simple, porcelain applications cover each tooth, and—according to the staff at Drs Bradford and Catchings Family Dentistry in Fishersville, VA—provide a long-term solution for brightening your smile. However, they aren’t for everyone, so use the following guide to determine if they’re right for you.

What Are Veneers?

veneers Veneers are smooth shells custom-fitted to adhere to the front of your teeth. They’re ideal for serious and permanent stains, as well as filling gaps or covering chips. The application is non-invasive and rarely requires anesthesia. Going forward, they’ll require the same dental care treatment as your natural teeth. Conservatively, they can last about 10 years, as long as you visit the dentist regularly and avoid potentially harmful foods.

Are Veneers Right for Me?

Veneers aren’t for everyone. Because teeth are still shifting, a dentist will require patients to be at least 18 years old. Plus, your teeth and gums must be in good health, free of extensive decay or gum disease. Also, larger chips, breaks, and fractures may require more treatment than veneers, and larger gaps may best be served with bonding. When you go in for a cosmetic dentistry consultation, be realistic about the results and explain your expectations in detail to your dentist.

If you’re interested in exploring veneers and other cosmetic dentistry options, turn to the staff at Drs Bradford and Catchings Family Dentistry. They offer comprehensive general and cosmetic dentistry services and are committed to helping patients achieve their ideal smile. Call (540) 213-1966 today to schedule an appointment, and visit their website and Facebook to learn more about their services.
