
Child custody cases can be intense and stressful for everyone involved. The best way to navigate the various issues is to understand family law and how it applies to your situation. Decisions in such cases are almost always arrived at after careful deliberation over several factors; below, a few of these variables are discussed in greater detail.

What Impacts a Child Custody Decision?

1. Child's Best Interests

Family courts look out for the best interests of the child. The term "best interests," however, can be confusing and vague. Typically, courts choose a home that provides the most stability, security, and care. And if you and your ex are in the midst of an ugly battle and your intention is simply to get the kids so that your ex doesn't, the courts will likely find out. 

2. Age of the Child

child custodyCourts try to maintain consistency in the child's life. This means that younger kids who have lived mainly with one parent will often stay with them as part of the custody order. Older children, especially those able to state who they'd prefer to live with, usually have more say in how the dispute plays out.

3. Health of the Parents & Child

Another crucial factor in determining custody is the health of both parents. A fit parent has to be relatively healthy, both physically and emotionally. The courts will also explore the physical and mental fitness of the child to ensure they are placed in the most supportive home possible for their particular needs.


Since 1984, family law attorney Jeanelle S. Kleveland of Kleveland Law Offices has been serving clients throughout the Lincoln, NE, area. She is committed to finding workable solutions that minimize conflict, support the kids, and help the whole family adjust to the new normal in their lives. Call (402) 477-7776 or reach out through the law firm's website to arrange a consultation with a child custody lawyer today.
