
While not all eye symptoms call for emergency eye treatment, knowing when to see an eye care professional is crucial to preserve your vision. The team at Tri-State Ophthalmology in Ashland, KY, strives to educate their patients on what is and is not a genuine eye emergency so they can be sure to get the help they need. The following are a few symptoms that should be taken seriously and evaluated by an eye doctor sooner rather than later.

3 Symptoms That Signal the Need for Emergency Eye Treatment

1. Blurred or Double Vision

While there are some instances where double or blurred vision is not serious, it’s best to be assessed by an eye care professional to be certain. Some causes of double vision can be quite serious, including keratoconus. This is a condition that occurs as a result of a thinning cornea, which can then bulge outward, creating an unnatural shape. Special glasses can help correct this issue in the earlier stages, although advanced keratoconus must be treated with surgery.

2. Severe Eye Pain

emergency eye treatmentAnother symptom necessitating emergency eye treatment is the sudden onset of severe pain. While eye injuries obviously call for quick action, you may be wondering if other types of eye pain warrant the same. Your eye could be affected by a foreign object, or you could be suffering from a stye, which is an inflammation of the eye. In general, it’s recommended you seek emergency treatment if pain is accompanied by symptoms like light sensitivity or problems with vision.

3. Black Spots & Flashes

While “floaters” are sometimes normal, in other cases they could signal real issue. Flashes of light in your vision or a cluster of floaters can indicate a posterior vitreous detachment. That means that your retina is in danger of being dislodged, which in turn could lead to blindness. In this case, seeking treatment as soon as possible is of the utmost importance.

In Ashland, the eye doctors at Tri-State Ophthalmology are as invested in maintaining your eye health as you are. Schedule an exam with this trusted team by calling (606) 324-2451 today. If you’d like more information concerning emergency eye treatment, visit them online.
